Monday, March 5, 2007

I Shouldn't Have Parked My Car There

Ah, what use is nostalgia? I knew its days were numbered, but I so still miss the non-functioning auto shop that functioned only as a pedestal for the cool replica of a mid-century hot rod. It was one of the last few symbols of a Fifth Avenue that was slightly off the beaten path. But what a hypocrite am I as a card-carrying member of the Commerce Bank that stands where the garage once did. What can I say? I couldn’t resist their proximity and extended hours (and dog treats.) But Commerce Bank isn’t the shiny, friendly, new neighbor you may think. An allegedly corrupt New Jersey political party boss is the VP. He lobbied to have a thriving market place in South Jersey torn down so he could build his very own minor league hockey stadium. (Sound like someone familiar?) Unfortunately, I know all this first hand. My mother’s ballroom dance space happens to be one of the buildings in the way of his wrecking ball.

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